
Gain skills in leadership, sales, marketing, social media and accounting. Learn the ins and outs of the most popular software business applications – Quick Books and Microsoft Offce Suite. For-proft, non-proft, education and self-employment; you’ll be ready to go to work in any business setting.


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Business professionals are essential to every industry in the world today. Large and small businesses, non-profits, health care and other service organizations, and even entrepreneurs all rely on skilled people who specialize in analyzing, organizing, marketing, and managing. We help you master those skills. So whether you are a looking to get a head start in a rewarding career, or update your skills and increase your marketability in the workplace, we have you covered. The program is open to high school students and adults.

  • Time:Day / Eve
  • Credits:30
  • Length*:16 mos.
Program Details Enroll in Program Financial Aid (optional)

* Program length estimate is based on the average hours attended per week by certificate-seeking students.

Ogden-Weber Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. For more information about graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed a program, and other important information, please visit the program pages on our website.  OTECH.EDU