Culinary Arts
Prepare for a fun career in culinary arts by learning cooking fundamentals in a state of the art production kitchen. Taylor your education to your culinary interests by choosing an emphasis in either Advanced Culinary Arts or Baking and Pastry.
Culinary Arts
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Culinary Arts
The Culinary Arts program is designed to provide a broad base of classical and contemporary cooking knowledge combined with hands-on experience, giving each student confidence in attained skills and preparing the student to move successfully into a career in food service and hospitality.
- Time:Day
- Credits:30
- Length*:16 mos.
* Program length estimate is based on the average hours attended per week by certificate-seeking students.
Ogden-Weber Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. For more information about graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed a program, and other important information, please visit the program pages on our website. OTECH.EDU